Slaughter Beach Delaware

"A Horseshoe Crab Sanctuary"

A Certified Wildlife Habitat Community

July 4th Regatta Results

Date Posted: Wednesday, June 10th, 2015
July 4th Regatta update

July 4th Regatta update

Once again the Ward Family Trust for Fun and Insanity created a wonderful day on the water and the sand with this year’s Regatta. This is the 7th year the Ward family along with friends has put on the event, with each year it gets bigger and better. Now on with recap of the day’s events and the competition winners:

Boogie Board Contest:
Gavin pulled it off in a hotly contested race that might have ended differently if Maddie had not gotten hung up on the buoy. This doesn’t take anything away from the winner as he really churned up the water on both the front and back stretch. Well done and well deserved. Good to see at least one trophy back in the Ward household. First time participant in this race and good to see new faces smiling in the winner’s sand patch.

Adolescent (that’s kids for all you PrimeHookers) Kayak Race:
Jayvon pulled it off with a huge push all down the south end stretch. I had a great position to watch from and you could tell the extra effort was really there. Wonderful to see such determination on his face. Watching kids put their all into this was truly a blessing. This race had three finishers that had that same look on their faces and they made it 1, 2 & 3. Wish you all could have seen the determination and of course, joy, at the finish line. How cool is it to see the “youngstars” having good clean fun and loving it.

Adult Kayak Race:
Another trophy year for the Giampietro household with Jake and Tony pulling it out for the win. I am not sure, but maybe their military training and their father’s own unique brand of survival training has something to do with it. I know their Dad was out just yesterday trying to create a new obstacle course in our backyard. Hopefully he has dropped the water boarding aspect of the new survival training, but if not, maybe we can at least get him to start the training after the age of 12 for the grand kid(s). A well contested race with the top four all within a close grouping. I was certainly impressed with the number 4 team, given the shape of their minds and bodies after the previous night’s celebrations. Was doubly impressed with Becky after having to forego training for a significant part of 9 months this past year. Well done all around.

Pie Eating Contest:
Thanks so much to Ann for supplying the pie crusts. Having the crusts made it much more of a challenge for all. Hotly contested by many but the fold and vacuum technique employed by Chris McPherson was truly a work of art and a sign of true professionalism in the pie eating world. Both the past year’s winner and the founder were certainly taken aback by the newcomer’s pace and technique. I see big things in Chris’ future. This continues to be a yearly favorite and the Food and Beverage Committee may add a new water challenge to it for 2016. The Competition Committee is looking into breaking it into two categories by either weight or age. Wouldn’t it be cool to make every participant get into a big fish scale sling before the race? I think the pictures would be worth the price of admission.

Mono Hull Sailboat Race:
A great start and a fast boat led Andreas to the finish line in first place. I do not know what to say other than; WOW!!! He took off like a rocket and never looked back, probably because he didn’t need to.
I will tell you that this was the most fun I have had in the Monohull race so far and I believe it was because of the closeness of many of the boats for the entire race. That and the really close start with a lot of jockeying for position. Talking trash with Brian and the back and forth with Gail and Chip as well as supplying the winning rudder. Sorry Dieter, I guess I gave you the wrong winning rudder. For all of you that weren’t in Andreas’ pit crew, he had a broken rudder just prior to the race and we had to switch the equipment out. The Inspection Committee allowed the last minute change as they all thought it would be a disadvantage to have a Sunfish rudder on a Force 5 – who knew. Andreas, remember that it was a loan, and I want that rudder back! I know that has to be the only reason I wasn’t closer to the front. I do have a pin for you if you still need it.
The competition committee is looking into Brian’s reverse jibe at the first buoy, but I think the challenge will be over ruled. Record participation with 16 brightly colored sails made for a beautiful sight. The best finish for the regular crew was certainly Dave. He held on to both the Sunfish pride and raced a great race. I tried to get close enough to match his moves but was well back after the first buoy. Threats and danger were apparent after the race when the winner got the gauntlet thrown down for next year. Seems last year’s winner is threatening to bring in a Laser for the first time. If this gets much bigger we may have to consider Portsmouth ratings or a staggered start. I am all for it continuing to be a “run what you brung” race, but maybe a few tweaks are in order. The Competition Committee is discussing it tonight over a fine single malt, so more to come in the future.

Catamaran Race:
A great race this year with 7 entrants. Best attendance ever and had some real competition throughout. The team of Craig & Jerry pulled it off with consistency at every buoy. Seemed that the south end was a problem for the early leader, while 3-4 of us saw the north buoy as our nemesis. Jimmy, myself and Mike and crew, at least. Gotta give Mike credit for finally getting around it. I never did, after multiple attempts, so my race was merely a sail. Not to say we didn’t have fun. Best Cat race we have had with plenty of kibitzing to be had after and during the race. I suppose there are a few of us who need to learn how better to come about, vs. always jibing. Another fun part was Sunday. Having all those catamarans on the water on Sunday was quite a sight and a lot of fun, as well.
CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE WINNERS!!!! Thank you for your participation and skills.
To all the participants, regardless of finishing order, thanks so much for the enthusiasm and the participation, but especially, the camraderie. Nothing better than a fun day on the water with a bunch of wacky sailors and watermen/water ladies/water children/water babies.

Harry and Sandy Ward

Here is a link to a photo album by Becky Craft.  Great pictures Becky!