Slaughter Beach Delaware

"A Horseshoe Crab Sanctuary"

A Certified Wildlife Habitat Community

S.B. becomes a Certified Wildlife Habitat Community

Date Posted: Wednesday, June 10th, 2015

SLAUGHTER BEACH, Del. (May 30, 2015) – Town of Slaughter Beach officials and residents gathered with DNREC Secretary David Small, National Wildlife Federation President and CEO Collin O’Mara, state legislators and representatives from the Delaware Nature Society and the Alliance of Bay Communities to celebrate Slaughter Beach’s new designation as a National Wildlife Federation-certified Community […]

Updated Website

Date Posted: Wednesday, June 10th, 2015

New website is a responsive website/mobile friendly.

Welcome to the Town of Slaughter Beach

Date Posted: Monday, April 20th, 2015

Slaughter Beach was founded in 1681 and incorporated in 1931.  How Slaughter Beach got its name has been debated over the years. Early maps show a small creek named Slaughter Creek, which flowed through the marsh from the Cedar Creek south and emptied into the Delaware Bay just north of Prime Hook Beach. Just to […]

Get the Shell Out of the Road

Date Posted: Saturday, April 18th, 2015

Diamondback Terrapins Hatchlings are starting to move from the Bay over to the marsh.  As you are driving through Town, keep an eye out for them and move them over to the marsh if you can.  The wetlands act as there nursery.

Build it and they will come

Date Posted: Friday, April 10th, 2015

                                                                     Update: Over the weekend a pair of Osprey’s were seen starting to nest in the new platform.  Time to welcome our new temporary residents, may they produce healthy chicks. What happens when a Nature Center, a Town, a County and a State work together? Wildlife and ecotourism benefit. On April 9th volunteers from the […]

Delaware Launches Climate Change Plan for State Agencies

Date Posted: Friday, March 13th, 2015

On March 2nd, Govenor Markell held a press conference on the states efforts on Climate Change.  He is a good article on the press conference.   Have you noticed the effects of climate change or sea level rise. If so you can post your observations on this blog:  You can post what you’re seeing […]

Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge Restoration Update

Date Posted: Thursday, February 26th, 2015

Please read below and send a strong letter of support for this project.  Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge Contact: Al Rizzo, 302-653-9345 ext. 102 Service invites public input to environmental assessment for Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge marsh restoration project Open house scheduled, public comment period through March 25, 2015 The U.S. Fish and Wildlife […]

Delaware's Floodplain Management Newsletter (DNREC)

Date Posted: Tuesday, January 27th, 2015

Interesting information about FEMA can be found in the Delaware’s Floodplain Management Newsletter  The First State Watermark – January 2015

Prime Hook Wildlife Refuge Restoration Project

Date Posted: Wednesday, January 21st, 2015

Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge is seeking a Federal Consistency Determination from DNREC.  Below is the Public Notice: DNREC – Delaware Coastal Programs PUBLIC NOTICE FEDERAL CONSISTENCY DETERMINATIONS HAVE BEEN SUBMITTED TO THE DELAWARE COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE FOLLOWING: USFWS Prime Hook NWR Proposed Restoration Project (2015.0006) The US Fish and Wildlife Service is […]

S.B. Registered as a Community Wildlife Habitat

Date Posted: Friday, January 9th, 2015

Slaughter Beach has been registered by The National Wildlife Federation as a Community Wildlife Habitat.  The next step will is to achive all the required goals to be certified.  Here is the press release from NWF and Delaware Nature Society: Registered Community Also an article about the program from WDDE. Ten new Certified Habitat signs […]